Nestled in the quaint medieval village of Vico Morcote
overlooking Lake Lugano, Ristorante La Sorgente welcomes
curious visitors in search of a local, fine-dining experience.

Nestled in the quaint medieval village of Vico Morcote overlooking Lake Lugano, Ristorante La Sorgente welcomes curious visitors in search of a local, fine-dining experience.

Menu à la carte


Insalatina di pomodoro e panzanella di melone, pane e sedano croccante 24
Salad of summer tomatoes with fresh melon balls, celery, bread and white balsamic vinegar
Tartare di manzo Svizzera, melanzana alla brace, olio di nocciola e capperi 29
Beef Tartare dressed with hazelnut oil, aubergine cream, fried capers and fresh basilicum leaf
Pesce di lago marinato, pesche, lardo speziato e gruè di cacao 27
Lake fish marinated with salt and sugar, fresh peach and creamy, spiced lard and bitter cocoa grue

First dishes

Spaghetto pomodoro, rucola fresca e büscion affumicato 26
Spaghetti with grilled tomatoes sauce, smoked büscion cheese and fresch rocket salad
Fregola mantecata con peperoni estivi e cipolle rosse 29
Creamed Fregola with seasonal peppers and crispy red onions
Raviolo aperto al ragu di coniglio, fonduta al Gottardo e pepe 31
Fresh pasta sheets white ragu of rabbit, veal reduction sauce, fondue of Gottardo cheese and Maggia pepper

Main courses

Trota, patata al lime e salsa di olive di Cerignola 39
Roasted trout, grilled escarole, lime potato, leek oil and Cerignola olive sauce
Caponata estiva di verdura, ceci montati e cetriolo fresco 32
Sweet and sour caponata, chickpeas whipped in grape seed oil, finished with sheets of fresh cucumbers
Lombatina di vitello, verdure dell’orto, demi – glace e tartufo 49
Swiss veal loin, with demi-glace seasonal vegetables and preserved summer truffle
La nostra Costina alla brace glassata con contorno di stagione 35
Glazed grilled Rib, served with seasonal side order


La Sorgente in fiore 15
Cherry dessert with chocolate sauce, tonka bean mousse, Breton biscuit and blueberry drops fermented in Castello di Morcote Bianco wine
Cheesecake al büscion , saturnine, sambuco e melassa di frutta 15
Büscion parfait, shortcrust biscuit, compressed peaches with Abacella, white peach and elder sorbet with brown vegetable base and ginger reduction
Rinfresco estivo con crema al pepe, Generoso e yoghurt dell’Alpe 15
Lucuma sorbet, pepper pastry cream, Generoso bitters gel, grilled margherita dough and a layer of alp yoghurt

Tasting menu

In the hall: Norman Summa, Restaurant Manager
In the kitchen: Chef Francesco Sangalli, and Sous chef Mattia Bacchiavini.

Vegan and vegetarian options are always available.
For allergies and intolerances please contact our restaurant staff.

An authentic cuisine awaits those who discover this hidden gem.

First and foremost, at the core of Chef Francesco Sangalli’s vision are high-quality, local ingredients produced by small scale farmers.

He then enhances these local products with his unique cooking techniques: open flame, charcoal, and smoking. The result is haute cuisine that embraces sustainability, environmental consciousness, and modernity.

The menu is curated in the pursuit of seasonality
An intimate atmosphere, seating only about twenty guests.

This inviting property is a 17th-century patrician building, recently transformed into a charming, boutique hotel.

A small reality

La Sorgente: a small restaurant, filled with dedication, innovation, and passion. All elements which go hand in hand with the carefully crafted, organic wines from the family-owned wine estate, Tenuta Castello di Morcote. It is a lifestyle experience combining distinguished wines with elevated gastronomy.